

Sunday, January 15, 2006

Comments on Incident atIISC Banglore

I was shocked to read the news that was the headlines in all the news dailies. Yes, I am talking about the firing at IISc Bangalore by a Gunman which claimed the life of Dr. Puri and injured four professors who had been on a visit to IISc Bangalore for an International conference.

This is not the only one of this kind for this season; there have been several incidents of late. Last week there was a threat mail to the parliament, previously the bomb blast in Delhi busy market area just before Diwali, the militant attacks in Kashmir (The head of Mother India!) and much before that the famous 9/11 incident that shook the whole world! Why are these things happening?? Haven’t we as the resident of this earth had the right to live.

Yesterday afternoon I was in IIIT Hyderabad campus using the library. Least did I expect IIIT Hyderabad on Red Alert after the incident at IISc Bangalore!! What was the guarantee that the same incident would have happened any where for that matter! Are we safe to go to any place, or leave alone anywhere are we safe at out homes!

Who are the people behind all this? Why should they terrorize innocent people? Who taught them to kill innocent people? Where did all this negative thought come inside the world? The only story that I attribute all these incidents is the opening of “The Pandora Box”!! How I wish the box was not opened!!

At the top level are the terrorist organizations, which want to instill the feeling of fear in people to proclaim their religion or race or nation as superior!! But are these are the only people. NO. There are so many more to the list. There is underground “mafia” and at the glass root level are the henchmen who are paid to kill people. I am very upset about the way the direction in which the world is heading? On one side we have remarkable achievements in technology that are helping us ease our lives but on the other side are the constant threat to life. Am I safe today?

I don’t want this to continue happening. I don’t want the world to get unsafe and a threatening place to survive in. I want future generations to experience the joy of living in this wonderful planet. But will this happen?

There must be something wrong somewhere that has led to all this. What is the cause? Can I do something to stop all this? I don’t know? I am thinking about it. If you people can think of anything that we (you, me and others who also feel this way) can do to stop just incidents from happening just share it with me. I will be glad to play my part. We can change the world (though not in a day!) slowly but change it for the good for the better. After all


understandability and adaptability

understandability is the prerequisite in order for users to perform any task.The better users understand an application, the more effectively they can use it because they know a greater portion of the application's functionality. This also leads to more efficiency because they can use functionality that achieves goals faster, with fewer steps, and fewer errors.

Understandability is closely related to learnability. The easier an application is to understand, the easier it is to learn and relearn. Understandability is also closely related to and an aspect of transparency. The more transparent an application is, the easier it is to understand, and vice versa.

We can make a application understandable by making the application small and simple.the task and its procedures are self-evident. The application is self descriptive.Feedback is given on user actions, system actions, and the system state, and there are no implicit or tacit assumptions about how users are expected to behave, particularly none that contradict users' expectations.

Adaptability is the degree to which adjustments are possible in practices, processes, or structures of system to projected or actual changes of climate. adaption can be spontaneous or planned,and can be carried out in response to or in anticipation of changes.

Adaptability/Flexibility refers to the ability to alter a course of action when new information becomes available.

To us as Humans we must possess both understandability and adaptability, understandability to understand changes, and adaptability to adapt to the the changes in the life.