

Sunday, October 30, 2005

Marriage a personal or a social affair – Discuss

Marriage as I believe is a covenant of fidelity—a dynamic, lifelong commitment of one man and one woman in a personal and social life. Marriage in our life is more than a simple union of two people. This is the event where two families unite, two cultures unite.

Marriage is a personal affair at the same time it’s a social affair. It’s a personal affair in the sense that the two individuals who are being united with this bond must accept to the bond. It’s a social affair because after all man is a social being and every thing he does makes an impact on the social life of others.

Marriage is generally a social affair, the two people like to be united in front of their well wisher’s , relatives, friends .In today’s world it is just treated as a big party just like a birthday or any thing else, but I view its not.

Marriages in India are mostly social affair; this may be the reason why most Indian marriages don’t have legal documents for their marriage.

Arranged marriages in general are a social affair where as Love marriage is situational but given the choice, the couples usually choose it to be a social affair than a personal one.

Above all, marriage is one which depends on the two individuals, if they want it is a social affair else it’s a personal one.